We are accepting orders until January 7, 2024. After that, you may no longer order buttons from us. For more information, visit About Us

Customized Buttons for Less

We make high quality buttons of your choice. 100% of our profits go to the Childrens Hospital of Eastern Ontario.

How do I order a button?

Ordering is very simple, thanks to our effective online system.

Step 1

Choose what size buttons you want to order! Selection may vary based on current inventory.

Step 2

Design your own magnet or pin for free or send us an image you want on your magnet or pin.

Step 3

Fill out a form using Google Forms. Then, wait for your magnets or pins to be made.

Student-run business

We're a non-profit student business. All of our proceeds go to C.H.E.O (Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario). Help us by ordering buttons!

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